My name is Rahat Ahmed. I’m the Founding Partner & CEO of Anchorless Bangladesh, an investment firm focused on bringing high-quality global capital into Bangladesh.

I love technology, its impact on consumer behavioral patterns and how it’ll evolve over the next 25 years.

I enjoy film, ramen and video games.

A proud alumnus of the undergraduate program at New York University’s Stern School of Business, my experience extends across multiple disciplines and industries: Investing in emerging markets at a hedge fund, developing long-term strategies at a global healthcare non-profit and founding a virtual reality startup focused on performance simulations. At each intersection, I’ve been able to leverage my passion for data and design to improve upon the status quo.

Anchorless Bangladesh

Anchorless Bangladesh is an investment fund activating unique opportunities across the country by harnessing global capital to deliver outsized financial returns and optimize social impact.


B/deshi is a community-driven organization committed to connecting the Bangladeshi diaspora and empowering us to take control of the global Bangladeshi narrative.

Everything Else


Expired by Sunlight



Smartphones and Instagram may have abated by passion for traditional photography, but I still keep this collection of some of my favorite shots from the past.

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Tutorials for Breathing



I started writing on the Internet in the late 90s, charting my growth into adulthood with memories sliced up into bits of fact and fiction. These select stories are some of my favorites.

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Life as Fiction



I love movies. Once upon a time, I actively wrote about them. My hope is to introduce something new and wonderful to someone now and then they otherwise wouldn’t know about.

Visit the website.




My first love was design. Though it didn’t turn into a career, here’s a portfolio of designs I did across assorted media highlighting my obsession with typefaces and kerning.

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Perfecting the Upset



A sports journalism website chronicling the passions of die-hard fans and their stories of bittersweet loyalty. We may have been too early, but boy was this fun to run.

Visit the website.